Honors Program


Learn more about our Honors Program

Coker’s Honors Program

How can you grow?

赌博游戏网站,优等生被鼓励去追求自己的兴趣. Doing well in classes is just the beginning for an Honors student. Students are involved in campus leadership, while others help professors on nationally recognized research projects. 其他人则参与帮助当地和全球社区的服务赌博游戏网站. 荣誉学生可以通过出国学习培养他们的世界公民意识. 我们鼓励对艺术领域感兴趣的学生通过表演和赌博游戏网站来探索他们的创造力.

The Honors Program cultivates leadership development, personal growth, and reflective citizenship through a combination of coursework, co-curricular experiences and independent exploration. And when the time comes, 他们的技能和经验帮助优秀生在雇主或研究生院中脱颖而出.

All Honors students develop their own paths and tell their own stories.


Meet The director!

Rhonda Knight – Director of the Honors Program

rknight@tincyn.net | honors_program@tincyn.net
(843) 383-8120

Program Benefits

  • As an Honors student, 你将参加一些专门的课程,旨在鼓励你在学术领域的成长, leadership and personal development. 从参加跨学科的荣誉研讨会到在你的顶点赌博游戏网站上与教师导师密切合作, 本课程将提升你的科克教育,通过经验,将建立你的赌博游戏网站和信心.

  • As an Honors student, 你将有很多机会增加你对世界和其他文化的了解. 你将学习提高你的外语技能的课程,使你能够调查你在世界上的位置. For those of you who are interested, you will have access to a $2,500奖学金,支持一个出国学习班甚至一整个学期. 以前的荣誉学生利用这个机会在许多方面加强他们的科克教育. 有些人参加了科克赞助的课程,去探索希腊和葡萄牙等国. Others have enrolled in summer programs in Italy and Thailand.

  • From your first semester in the Honors Program, 你将开始探索成功领导者的特质,然后评估自己的优点和缺点, such as managing time, setting goals, and developing a growth mindset.

    专门为您创建的小型研讨会讨论全球问题,并鼓励您深入挖掘并发表自己的意见, based on academic research and reflection.

    你将以各种方式获得财务支持,以完成独特和个性化的体验.You will be supported each semester with a $500 scholarship. You are also guaranteed $2,500 to complete a study abroad experience.

    You will have opportunities to gain professional experience, such as working as a research assistant, collaborating with faculty on a project, attending professional conferences, applying for grants to complete your own project, whether creative or research focused, or even having your writing published.

Ready to Apply?

Program Requirements

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Apr 24, 2024


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